Kushiro Public University Library

Library hours and closing days

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Library hours and closing days

Library hours
During school terms
Monday-Friday 9:00-20:00
Saturday 10:00-17:00
During spring, summer and winter vacations
Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
Saturday Close

Closing days
  • Sundays, Saturdays during vacations and national holidays
  • Year-end and New Year's holidays (December 29 to January 3)
  • Library inventory days (certain period during vacations)
Information about temporary openings, closings and changes in library hours will be indicated on the bulletin board and the library website as they occur.

Patron rules

Please take care to abide by the following when using the library:
  • Please refrain from talking.
  • Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited.
  • Set mobile phones to manner mode, and leave the library to talk.
  • Please handle all materials and equipment with care.
  • Take care of your personal belongings when leaving your seat.
  • Please do not disturb other patrons.
  • If you cause any troubles or violate patron rule(s), you may be restricted or suspended from using the library.
  • When reading books on mobile bookshelves (in the stack room on the first floor), please ensure no one is between the shelves before they are moved.
  • Wheelchair-accessible multipurpose restrooms and elevators are available.

last update 2017.10.20